Earlier this spring I was poking around facebook and came across
this post of a mother's rant that she was done making childhood magical. Childhood is magical enough, she argued.
Provocative, yes. And, I, for one, don't believe my parents the same pressure to have perfectly plotted, accessorized and managed experiences for kids.
Thought-provoking, too. It got me thinking and talking with Tyler about what moments in
our childhood felt magical and what that would mean for what for Stella and Otto. I was surprised to realize that most of my best memories of childhood involved being outside. Spending lazy summer days at a lake. Going to parks. Playing in the backyard. Hiking. Canoeing. Camping. Riding my bike and rollerskates. Pretty simple stuff. So I quickly dubbed this summer the "Summer of Hiking and Camping." (Plus we're saving up money and time off to go to Ireland next Spring....)
I had some evidence this would work out. Last year we managed to get in a couple
hikes, even when Otto was just two. And Tyler and I love camping, though we'd just managed one trip a year out of the last three (including one when I was
eight-months pregnant). Our hope is to get three camping trips in this summer.
Trip number one happened this past weekend over the Fourth of July. Serendipitously, someone Tyler works with who also has a two-year-old was camping, too, so we ended up camping together in an awesome primitive spot off the Mountain Loop Highway. Three nights out on a river, in old forest, with lots of time to relax, play All-Terrain bocce, hike, toast marshmallows, and be outside.
View on the way to our campsite. It would be awfully hard for me to ever move away from this.
Our home away from home. Thanks, Dad, for the big tent that fits four people far better than my backpacking tent!
All-Terrain Bocce--a last-minute purchase by Tyler that was a major hit for kids and adults alike!
A little bit of quiet time in the sun while the younger kids napped

The kids' first "backwater baptisms" in some impressively ice cold water. Stella went back for more about four times....
The first full day we hit up the Big Four Ice Caves a second time this year, which is a ridiculously gorgeous (and kid-friendly) trip--one mile in, one mile out, flat (a mere 200 feet elevation gain) with smooth trail to walk along.
Holding hands to help the younger friends, courtesy of Althea Pomerleau
The pay off at the end--not the greatest shot, but you can get a sense of the grandeur
And snow and ice at the end for the kids to muck around in, not to mention wildflowers, waterfalls and a stream to splash cold water on your face as a reward for all that good walking.
The second day we hiked Heather Lake. We'd hiked it once
before, with the reward of lots of salmon berries. Of all our hikes with the kids, this was the most ambitious--four-miles round trip, 1100' elevation gain, and not an easy path--lots of roots, rocks, mud, and climbing. And we didn't luck out with the best conditions--it got drizzly partway up, and I hadn't packed raincoats in our daypack. Worse yet, the salmon berries had been eaten or picked already, so the pay-off hoped for by Stella didn't quite come to fruition. But it did lend itself to a good chance to practice "making the best of it", which Stella did (ultimately) with gusto.
At the lake. The last half mile got a bit maudlin, and given the conditions, we didn't get to hang out as long as maybe we would have otherwise, but gorgeous. Someday we'll backpack up here and spend some nights at the lake and really soak it all in.
So a good time in the end. Stella hiked all but maybe 100 yards of it. Otto, in sandals, probably did 1.5 miles up, and maybe .5-.75 miles down. Not too shabby.
Happier times on the hike back down from Heather Lake, also thanks to Althea. It's not terrible to have a professional photographer as a camping companion!
So beyond the camping plans, this epiphany about the outdoors also means that we let ourselves off the hook in general and spend more weekend time just hanging out in our backyard. Or our friend's backyards. Or checking out low tide.
A new beach we discovered in West Seattle--crabs, jellyfish, anemones and more
Perfectly plotted? Almost never. Magical? Time will tell.
Early morning snuggles
Playing "Papa Bear" and "Baby Bear"
Snacking on the beach after a few dips
And it's not too shabby for some good adult bonding time, either: