Monday, August 26, 2024

Seoul Food

Tyler Reporting 

(For this entry, and for the next few, I'm going to transcribe what I wrote in my Morning Pages journal, and then add some photos and captions. This 3-week trip to Korea and Japan wrapped up about a week and a half ago.)

Now a couple of days into the Asia Trip, so I think that this entry will just be getting caught up on those events. Let's go, shall we!

Day 1: Travel Day! This day was essentially just traveling. Flight departed a little afternoon, and was a little over 11 hours... I think. Maybe 12, maybe 14? It was long. And we arrived in a steaming Seoul at 4:30pm Korea time.... which was like 3:30am our time. Or something. It was a blur. Took a 45 minute train ride to Seoul Station, got lost for a bit, then hoofed it a good quarter mile or more -fully loaded down with our bags- to our Marriott Hotel. Checked in and went around the corner for dinner. Tensions were high (I unfortunately snapped at Sarah), so we just called it a night after that.

And we are off on another adventure!

Day 2: A little better rested, we met up and then went to Namdaemumn Market across the street from the hotel where we largely just picked up hottek and other snacks. Then caught a bus to see the changing of the guard at one palace, then another bus to a second palace to see the "Secret Garden" there. So hot! 
Namdaemumn Market whose entrance was just across the street from us. 

The changing of the guard at Changgyeongung Palace. The costumes and pageantry of it was impressive. 

Stella takes a picture in the Secret Garden, as "I" watches on. (I'm just going to use our friends first initials, since then aren't as terminally online as we are.)

Another part of the scenic Secret Garden, which was named that because it wasn't open to the public originally, and was reserved for the royal family and visiting dignitaries.

After that we were looking for a late lunch on our way to the stream that runs through the middle of Seoul when it started to downpour. Running between restaurants we ended up finding a Korean BBQ place that had seats for all 9 of us, and had an enjoyable meal there. The food was good, and it was fun watching the "kids table" where they bickered and grilled their own meat. 

The "kids table." It was fun traveling with another family, and having the kids be old enough that they could manage many things themselves. Definitely a change from our original Iceland trip years ago.

Our spread of food at the "adult table."

Then we wandered down to the stream, which is an old underground culvert that has had its roof removed so it could be turned into a combination park and walking path. Unfortunately, it was closed because of the rain (flood concerns). So, we continued our walk back toward the hotel, running through a market street where we bought umbrellas at the Butter store, bing tsu (shave ice) across from a cat cafe and then strolled and snacked our way back to the hotel. 

The whole crew looking down at the (sadly inaccessible) stream.

Dinner that night wasn't great, at a Korean-Chinese restaurant with less than satisfying food and everyone fading quickly. 

Day 3: Food Day! Got up, ate breakfast at the hotel's all-you-can-eat buffet, then set off -via a couple of bus rides- to the Mangwon Meat Market. Got there a little too early for lunch, so after walking through it, we went dow to another part of the same stream from yesterday and hung out there a bit. Back at the Meat Market we did the Meat Market thing, which is buy meat there and then have it grilled in one of the restaurants directly above the stall. The beef (hanwoo?) is Kobe beef-esque, but not exported so it's a rare treat and made a fun BBQ experience.

Exploring the stream. It was neat to have a green space like this threading through the bustling city.

Entering the meat market. This whole market specializes in beef and pork. 

The stall that we ended up buying out hanwoo from. Most place, like this one, has a restaurant space upstairs where you can grill your meat and buy beer, etc.

Sarah excited for some grilled hanwoo beef. It was really good!

Then it was back to the hotel for bing tsu and beer, where we just ended up hanging out until dinner. Ordering the kids room service (or, rather, giving them instructions how to do it themselves), we hopped in a taxi and took a long ride out to the Gangnam (Gangnam style!) district to go to Mingles, a fancy restaurant there. I think Sarah and I aren't used to going out for "nice dinners" while traveling, so it felt a bit odd trying to clean up for one, but the meal was super tasty. Just some amazing dishes, and a good time. Then it was back to the hotel and to bed.

Forgot to take many pictures at Mingles, except this one. All the food was really thoughtfully prepared, including details like this display where they showed off all the ingredients going into the next dish.

Today, we are off to Busan. I definitely could stay her longer, but that just isn't the cadence of this trip. I do feel like Korea is getting the short end of the travel stick, with just two more days here, then on to Japan. Still, happy to make it the 32nd country I've visited! As always, onward.

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